Jennifer Sexton
Program Facilitator, MBSR teacher in training
Jennifer Sexton first trained as a registered nurse, specialising in paediatric critical care in Melbourne. In 1989, she shifted to journalism, and has spent the years since working as a journalist, broadcaster, and producer.
At the same time Jennifer has been researching, studying, and practising meditation. She has completed Level 1 Training as a mindfulness teacher through the Mindfulness Training Institute of Australia, and has a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment.
Jennifer has delivered meditation and stress reduction programs in the workplace and community, including for parents, school teachers, primary school students and for Lifeline telephone crisis volunteers.
meet our other team members
Megan Layton
Director, Senior MBSR, PNT, Self-Compassion and Yoga teacher
Anthony Hopkins
Facilitator—Graduate Practice Groups
Jennifer Sexton
Program Facilitator, MBSR teacher in training
Antonia Anderson
Simply Mindful Admin
Jeannette Fierro
Gathering Place Admin
Lesley Harris
Gathering Place Admin