if you are brand new to mindfulness
(or just new to simply mindful)
We’re so happy you’ve found your way to Simply Mindful, and we can’t wait to get to know you. On this page you’ll learn what we’re all about, who we serve, and how we can help you.
Maybe you’re brand new to this whole mindfulness thing, and want to know if it’s more than just a buzzword. Or maybe you’ve already got some experience with mindfulness meditation but you’re unfamiliar with Simply Mindful and are curious about whether we’re a good fit for you. Either way, welcome!
Read through the information below to get to know us and join our community, or skip to the end of the page if you’re ready to enrol in your first class and want to know which one to start with.
The Simply Mindful team from left to right: Jennifer, Trevor, Megan, Anthony, Jeannette, Antonia.
step one: get to know us
Simply Mindful is a secular mindfulness training organisation located in Canberra, Australia. We integrate the ancient skills of mindfulness with contemporary Western neuroscience to produce innovative and powerful programs for living well.
We have been teaching courses since 2004, and thousands of people and organisations have taken part in our programs.
I’ve learnt that I can make a choice about my stress, that I’m not powerless in the face of stressful situations and I can decide how to respond. — Participant, 2020
We are a small team of teachers and support staff working closely together to provide you with skilful and respectful support and encouragement on your mindfulness journey. We come from diverse backgrounds and have other jobs and additional interests, but we all have one thing in common: our commitment to mindful living.
All of us at Simply Mindful are committed to a regular mindfulness practice in our lives. As well, we attend regular extended silent retreats in order to deepen our meditation practice.
We all live, work, study and play in the Canberra community and have deep connections to this place, its people and the wonderful environment in which we live. (If you’d like to know more about any of our team members, click on their photo to go to their full profile page.)

Megan Layton
Director, Senior MBSR, PNT, Self-Compassion and Yoga teacher

Jennifer Sexton
Program Facilitator, MBSR teacher in training

Paul Spooner

Antonia Anderson
Simply Mindful Admin

Jeannette Fierro
Gathering Place Admin

Lesley Harris
Gathering Place Admin
We use these words a lot on the website. Although you may have heard them before, the meanings can vary depending on context. Here’s what they mean when we use them.
mindfulness: a way of being fully present and awake in every moment.
meditation: a form of mental training which enables us to pay attention to our present moment experience, intentionally and with curiosity.
self-compassion: treating oneself with warmth and understanding (the same way you would with a good friend) when you have a difficult time or fail at something.
neuroplasticity: changing the brain through mental training practices.
try meditation for yourself
Ready to experience your first mindfulness meditation? Here’s a 3 minute practice that our director, Megan, created for you. Before beginning, please find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won’t be disturbed. Then just push play on the recording below.
Introductory Mindfulness Practice
reflect on your experience
How was the mindfulness practice for you?
What did you notice?
What thoughts or sensations came up for you?
When we practice mindfulness, we’re not trying to get anywhere, or make anything happen. We’re not even trying to relax. We are simply bringing our attention to present moment experience, with a kind, non-judgmental curiosity.
Thank you for joining us today for this short mindfulness practice.
Step Two: join our community
The best way to keep updated on what’s happening and get to know us better is to sign up for our email list. You can also follow us on Facebook.
Follow our Facebook page
We post about once a week. You can follow us at facebook.com/simplymindfulmeditation.
step Three: Enrol in your first Class
our most popular courses for beginning meditators
Not sure which course to start with?
We recommend that most people start with our foundational course, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), as it provides you with a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of mindfulness meditation. If you need a shorter time commitment, you may prefer Self-compassion. And if you aren't ready to commit to a home practice or are looking specifically for body-awareness, Mindful Yoga might be perfect for you.
Have a look at the table below to compare our most popular programs and see which one is the best fit.
Note: Prices shown reflect the early bird pricing.
mindfulness based stress reduction
8 weeks- no previous mindfulness experience required
- weekly 2.5 hours class + day retreat
- home practice recommended outside of class time
- coursebook provided
- access to exclusive online resources
- discount for returning MBSR students
- cost includes Day of Mindfulness retreat
Mindful Yoga
8 weeks- no previous mindfulness experience required
- weekly 1.5 hours class
- access to exclusive online resources
- discount for returning yoga students
Positive Neuroplasticity
6 weeks- some previous mindfulness experience required
- weekly 3 hours class
- home practice recommended outside of class time
- access to exclusive online resources
Self- compassion
6 weeks- previous mindfulness experience recommended but not necessary
- weekly 2 hours class
- some home practice recommended outside of class time
- access to exclusive online resources