Directions to the Gathering Place

The Gathering Place is located at 4 Bancroft St, Dickson ACT 2602. You can get here by foot, bicycle, public transportation, or car.

where to park your car

Free parking is available on Bancroft Street. Please check the signs to ensure you are aware of parking restrictions, particularly in front of the school.  Please park on Bancroft Street if possible.

Please don’t park in the driveway at the Gathering Place unless you need special access or have mobility issues, in which case please let us know beforehand so we can assist you.

Visitors may also be able also park in the church car park (St Brigid’s) next door to the Gathering Place. Entry to the church carpark is off Wilshire Street. Please note that the church requires at least 6 spaces to be available nearest to the hall for their use, so please do not park in these spaces at any time. Furthermore, please be aware that during the week and on weekends, church services and special events such as funerals may be taking place so parking spaces are not guaranteed for people not attending these events.

IMPORTANT: If you are hiring the Gathering Place, and your participants wish to use the St Brigid’s church carpark for an extended period (such as overnight or weekend retreats), or if you have a large number of participants parking there, we need to notify the church to ensure it doesn’t impinge on their use. Please let us know so that we can ensure it’s ok.

There is a pathway from the church carpark to the Gathering Place driveway.

Coming by bicycle

There is a bike rack located at the side of the building halfway down the driveway.

Walking to the gathering place

It is just under 10 minutes walk from Dickson shops, and around 15-30 minutes walk from other nearby suburbs. This is a safe and walkable area, with plenty of shade, footpaths and pedestrian crossings.

Using public transportation

If coming by bus or light rail, you can use the Journey Planner provided by Transport Canberra to plan your trip.