Self-compassion – 2024 Term 4

Tuesdays 6-8:15pm starting 15th October

Pre-requisite: None     Teacher: Megan Layton

This is a 6-week course, meeting once a week for 2 hours.

Click on the Event Details tab below to see date and times, or learn more about this program.


In stock

Cultivate a warm connected presence with yourself.

Feel deeply at home in your own skin.

This six week course focuses on cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion together. Together, they are a powerful combination for managing difficult emotions and when dealing with the pressures and strains of life.

Mindfulness develops presence and awareness, steadies the mind and develops equanimity. Self-compassion helps us to stay connected with ourselves and our experience, fill up our inner tanks and tolerate difficulties without shutting down or closing off. Together they are like the ‘two wings of a bird’, each essential to enhance and assist the other.

Self-compassion frees us up to be more present, creative and responsive in our relationship with ourselves, with others and the world. It means that we use up less internal resources protecting, defending, ruminating and judging ourselves or others.

Event Details

Day 1: 15 October 2024

Day 2: 22 October 2024

Day 3: 29 October 2024

Day 4: 5 November 2024

Day 5: 12 November 2024

Day 6: 19 November 2024

Start time: 18:00 AEST
End time: 20:15 AEST

Venue: The Gathering Place, 4 Bancroft Street, Dickson 2602

Directions: Please see directions and parking information at

Phone: (+61) 0490 354 900

Answers to your questions

Will this make me more selfish or weak?

Sometimes people fear that practicing self-compassion will make them more self-absorbed, arrogant or selfish. Actually, the opposite is true. People who practice self-compassion are generally more emotionally resilient (the opposite of weak), less self-absorbed and narcissistic.

Do I need to believe anything? Is this a ‘spiritual’ program?

There is no need to believe anything in particular. This program builds a practical and easily adapted skill set for anyone from any background. Self-compassion can be integrated into any belief system. It can deepen and enrich existing spiritual practices and beliefs. Self-compassion and compassion is widely recognised in psychology and health as a key to happiness and a joyful, fulfilling life.

Do I need mindfulness or meditation experience?

No. Some experience with mindfulness practice is a good foundation for this course. If you have not had any prior experience of mindfulness, you will learn this as part of the course. Feel free to contact Megan prior to the start date to discuss the program, your needs and experience. This helps ensure that the program is beneficial and appropriate for all participants. If after talking you decide you don’t wish to do the program you will be given a full refund.

I’ve already done the MBSR course. Is this more of the same?

If you’ve already done the MBSR course, then the idea of self-compassion and some of the core concepts and approaches to practice will be familiar to you. This course is a much deeper dive into self-compassion and ways of developing self-compassion. If you benefitted from the MBSR course, this will continue to transform your relationship with yourself. It will also equip you with a bunch of new practices which will be tailored through the course to meet your specific needs and challenges.

What is the structure of the course?

Each week we’ll explore a little theory and a lot of practice. There will be short exercises to meet specific challenges you may be experiencing, exercises to help integrate self-compassion  into your life and longer practices to literally ‘soak’ in. We begin in week 1 with a focus on the body and progress through the 6 weeks to working with strong or self-limiting inner patterns.

Still have questions? Send us a message